Brand Lab

Where entrepreneurs cultivate & engineer their personal brand, build thought leadership, and innovate their businesses.

Helping left-brainers, think right™.


begins OCT_2023

We live in a time of abundant choice.

In fact, you can probably name at least ten other people who hold the same title you do. In the United States alone, there are:

  • 1.3 million lawyers (Clio)
  • 1.4 million accountants and auditors (Statista)
  • 2 million Engineers (ASEE)
  • 3 million real estate agents (ARELLO)
  • 4.4 million software developers (Go Remotely)
  • 25,510 mortgage brokers (Zippia)

If you’re currently generating at least $1M+ annually, you have already shown that you understand the importance of getting your name out there as you are currently experiencing the compound effect of positive word-of-mouth and referrals.

However, the market has been shifting drastically over the past few years. (No, it’s not only you that’s been feeling it).

This means that how you get your name out there and claim your competitive advantage needs to shift as well.

People are no longer just looking for a service. They are looking for meaning, identity, belonging, connection, status, and transcendent experiences.

Everything we do, associate with and buy, says something about who we are and how we see ourselves. We form our self-concept—who you think you are, and what makes you, you. We align ourselves with individuals and brands that stand for the same thing.

Every time you spend money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want.


In our search for meaning, personal brands become lightning rods.

Your industry is no exception.

Commodities compete on price. Brands command a premium.

If people aren’t willing to pay more, have a preference for, or develop a deep emotional connection with your product or service, then you’re a commodity.

How can you avoid this outcome? You have to innovate. You have to design. By design, I don’t mean graphics, shapes, logos, or icons.

By design, I want to refer to Nobel laureate, Herbert Simon’s more expansive definition of design: to design is to devise courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.

Does that sound like you?

If so, you are in the right place.

Ready To Build Your Brand?


Otherwise, keep reading.

Welcome to Brand Lab

Brand Lab is my first-ever mastermind, born from over two decades running Blind®, a two-time, Emmy award-winning, design and production company, and now The Futur™, an education and omni-channel media company with over 3 million followers across multiple platforms.

If you’re reading this sentence, it’s safe to assume that your time is valuable, you have a bias towards action, and you are an out-of-the-box thinker. So, here’s the tl;dr version (too long, didn’t read).

In Brand Lab, I will help you:

Find your true voice and build an authentic brand that resonates with your bigger purpose.
Craft stories that resonate with your audience and set you apart from others in your industry.
Become a more effective communicator and speaker.
Develop an omnichannel content strategy to grow your reach and influence.
Position your brand to build a coalition of loyal followers and design your personal style (from colors and typefaces to personal wardrobe).
Diversify your offers to create more stability, flexibility, and options.
Apply design thinking and principles to all aspects of your business to give yourself the ultimate advantage.
Put your actions where your heart is as you step up and make the change you want to see in the world.

Is Brand Lab Right for You?

Brand Lab is for left-brained entrepreneurs, authors, thought-leaders, consultants, coaches, and media mavericks who are able to check all boxes below.

  • You have the experience, team, systems & processes, and resources, but lack the level of creativity that can massively accelerate a personal brand.
  • You’re a busy entrepreneur that’s looking for high-level creative direction that allows you to get in, get out and get on with your business.
  • You understand the importance of diversifying your offerings and want to create a personal brand that allows for that to happen.
  • You are open to both learning and trying new things.
  • You don’t have the time, energy, or desire to tackle your personal branding solo.
  • You are not in the position to hire a Chief Brand Officer with Chris' level of expertise & experience (total average compensation of $400k+).
  • You want your following to be a representation of the lives you’re impacting vs. just a big number that looks good when people find you online.

What’s Included:

I’m sure we can agree that the last thing you want or need is to commit yourself to long calls or trainings that take up (even more of) your already limited time.

Your six-month access to Brand Lab will include:

Brand Lab Onboarding.

Once your spot in Brand Lab is confirmed, you will receive onboarding materials to complete that will allow me to get to know about you, your business, and your goals.

90-minute Weekly Brand Lab Office Hours for Critiques, Feedback and Creative Direction.

Our Brand Lab Office Hours are where all Brand Lab participants can get real feedback and creative direction on your brand, design, writing, positioning, etc. as needed. This means you can show up to every single call available or just three over the span of your six months in Brand Lab and get exactly what you need in order to move forward. These calls will have alternating AM/PM time zones.

Executive Summaries & Replays.

Each week you’ll be provided with a detailed summary of what was discussed within Brand Lab as well as the replay links for any calls. This means that you will always be up to date on what’s going on inside of Brand Lab, no matter what your schedule looks like.

Access to my network of designers, editors, and creators.

You’ve been in business long enough to know the power of getting the right support. If you need a referral to someone in my network, I am happy to make that connection for you.

Brand Lab Topics of Discussion

Here are just a few of the topics that I expect to cover with Brand Lab participants.

Personal Branding

Content Marketing

Creative & Art Direction

Story Structures

Social Media Management

Conceptual Thinking

Passive Income Models

Event Design

Authority Building

Public Speaking

Teaching Methodologies

Content Models

Total Value: $104k

Get access to 6 months of Brand Lab for $18k (payment plans available).


You’ve mastered the art of business. I’ll show you how to master the business of art.

In his book, A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink, notes the importance of right-brained thinking (design, story, empathy, and play) as critical components, as we shift from the Information Age towards the Conceptual Age. The ascendant brands in the 21st century (Meta, Netflix, Tencent, Sony, Adobe, Disney, Riot) directly/indirectly harness the power of imagination and ideas, not information.

Various thought leaders have simultaneously concluded that “It’s not the attention economy. But rather, attention is the economy.”

Those who can create, capture, and leverage attention are the future billionaires.

Need Proof?

Here are just a few of the examples we found online of people who are in industries that “don’t need personal branding,” who have shown just how wrong that assumption is in today’s market.

Real Estate

Tom Panos is a News Corp Columnist, Founder of Real Estate Gym, Head Coach for the REB Austrailia and Host of the Million Dollar Agent podcast.

Instagram: 68K
LinkedIn: 46K
YouTube: 20K

Camille Vasquez is a partner in the Firm's Litigation & Arbitration Practice Group and co-chair of the Firm's Brand & Reputation Management group.

Instagram: 288K
LinkedIn: 50K

Ramit Seti is the founder and author of, a blog on personal finance and personal entrepreneurship, which hosts over 175,000 readers per month.

Instagram: 651K
LinkedIn: 106K
YouTube: 294K

Tori Dunlap is a globally-recognized money + career expert, her work has been featured on Good Morning America, the TODAY Show, the New York Times, People Magazine, TIME Magazine, Forbes, CNBC, and more.

Instagram: 958K
LinkedIn: 25K
YouTube: 233K

Alec Hanson is a mortgage professional that serves as SVP Production for loanDepot and is the Host of the Modern Lending Podcast

Instagram: 26K
LinkedIn: 16K
YouTube: 9.8K

Neil Patel is a New York Times Bestselling author and has helped Amazon, Microsoft, Airbnb, Google, Thomson Reuters, Viacom, NBC, Intuit, Zappos, American Greetings, General Motors, and SalesForce grow through marketing.

Instagram: 442K
LinkedIn: 520K
YouTube: 1.1M

Brand Lab Provides Creative Direction that Fits within Your Busy Schedule.

If you are generating at least $50k a month and want to amplify your reach and influence through personal branding, click below to apply for a spot inside Brand Lab.


Your Personal Brand Coach

In an interview with Complex magazine, Todd McFarlane, arguably the most successful comic book artist of all time, was asked what the secret to his success was. He said that he was “bilingual—he spoke the language of art & design, and the language of business.”

Like Todd, I am a bilingual creative—a hybrid professional that lives at the intersection of business and design. I have had a 20+ year history in running a creative services company (Blind), and am a traditionally trained designer.

I got my BFA in graphic design/packaging from ArtCenter College of design in 1995. From 1995-2018, I ran a two-time, Emmy® award winning production and post production company in Los Angeles. Over that period, we grossed over $80m in revenue, had bi-coastal offices, worked with the top tier advertising agencies, and Fortune 1000 brands like: Nike, Sony Playstation, X-Box, Land Rover, Google, Microsoft and Electronic Arts.

During this period, I was coached for 13+ years by my business mentor, Keir McLaren (my unofficial MBA). I taught at ArtCenter College of Design for close to 15 years. I have hired and worked with hundreds of artists over my career. I’ve lectured all over the world and have been published by the leading industry magazines and books including: Communication Arts, I.D., Type Director’s Club, The One Show, British D&AD, Shoot, How, Magazine B, and PPaper. I’ve delivered keynote talks and workshops for: Digital Design Days, Awwwards, Entrepreneur’s Organization, AIGA, MIT, Stanford youth alliance, and RGD.

I didn’t start creating content on Youtube, first as the Skool, then as the Futur, until January 2014, at 42 years of age. I’ve made over 1,800 videos, hundreds of posts and carousels, and have managed to amass a sizable social following and a Top 20 marketing podcast that has included interviews with: Chris Voss, Daniel Pristley, Kindra Hall and Vinh Giang.

My social stats—all organic, no black hat strategies.


YouTube Subscribers


Instagram Followers


Twitter Followers


LinkedIn Followers

Top 20

itunes ranked marketing podcast in the us & uk

In other words, working with me inside of Brand Lab doesn’t just give you a personal brand coach, but one who has the experience and results to get you to where you want to go.


  • 23 years running brand design consultancy Blind
  • 15+ years of teaching design at ArtCenter and Otis College of Art and Design
  • 10+ years of international speaking, content creation, and audience building
  • 2 years of running the EO jumpstart program

Awards Won

  • 2 Emmy® Awards
  • 2 Clio Awards
  • Effie Gold Award
  • Gold and Bronze ADDY Award
  • London International Award
  • Individual Achievement Award from the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
  • Gold & Silver Create Awards

High Profile Clients Supported

  • Gnarls Barkley “Crazy”
  • Justin Timberlake “Lovestoned”
  • ColdPlay “Ink”
  • Xbox, Playstation, EA, Audi, Honda, Google, Mophie, Microsoft, Sony, Spike, Fox Sports, UFC, MLB Allstars, Quicksilver, Crate & Barrel, Anime Expo, Nat Geo Wild, Taco Bell, Dunkin, Verizon and American Airlines

Published In

  • Communication Arts
  • I.D.
  • Type Director’s Club
  • The One Show
  • British D&AD
  • Shoot
  • How
  • Magazine B
  • PPaper

Boards Participated On

  • SPJA and AIGA (Board of Directors)
  • Otis College of Art and Design (Board of Governors)

Here’s what others
have to say:

"Before you can influence others, you need to discover and accept your true self. Chris has this extraordinary ability to see you and help you see yourself.

Personal branding with Chris is a transformative inner journey. His extraordinary self-acceptance and insightful wisdom have helped me grow in ways I never thought possible.Chris helps you overcome your internal barriers and connect with your inner superhero. He helps you to see and embrace your true identity and present it authentically to the world."

— Anneli Hansson, Brand Strategist

I’ve been working with Chris for almost 3 years now—and in that time, my revenue just about doubled each year. It is easily the best investment outside of my team. I learn not only tactical and strategic ways to improve, but have uncovered and now addressed deeply seeded negative beliefs about myself and money. And that has catapulted us forward more and more.

Chris and his team not only care about your business or career—they care about YOU. I could not give a higher endorsement for the education and training you’ll receive. No second guessing, no red flags, no zone of doubt.

— Rich Cardona, Rich Cardona Media

"Chris helped me build a personal brand worth $800k per year."

In the 2 years since I started working with Chris, I’ve scaled my design business to $500k/year, grown from 0 to 300k+ followers online, built a newsletter read by 20k people every week, and built a second online education business to $360k/year.

Working with Chris has been the best investment I’ve made in my business, by far. It has paid for itself 50 times over.

— Rich Webster, Richard Media Company

“Chris helps open the doors of discovery and allows you to uncover the roadblocks. His uncanny ability to ask insightful questions and pull-out creative thoughts helps one to navigate a road map that is both productive and achievable. By carefully following Chris’s instructions and executing his advice our company has grown by 61% YOY. ”

— Eric Wegweiser, Horticultural Creations

“I was lost about how to get recognized in my new niche. Chris gave me the clarity and direction I needed: focus on content creation, raise my rate, and delegate.

In less than a year I reached 9.5K followers on LinkedIn (9X growth) and 19.6K followers on Instagram (19X growth). My revenue increased by 50% without having added any clients and I hired a full-time designer — all because of his coaching!”

— Kung Pik Liu, Design Angel

Your Questions Answered

What is the investment?

The Brand Lab Membership is an investment of $18k for six months and includes all calls, resources, and direct feedback and creative direction on your brand, design, writing, positioning, etc. from Chris Do.

What does the application process look like?

All potential Brand Lab participants will need to apply before joining. You can click here to submit your application and receive a pre-approval at the end. Your application will then go to a member of our team who will personally review your application and reach out to discuss your next steps.

When do the Office Hours happen?

Brand Lab Office hours are held on a weekly basis, alternating each week to accommodate those in different time zones. We make it easy to join, no matter where you are in the world.

Also note that these calls are designed for you to be able to pop in and out, as needed. We encourage you to come to the calls when there is work you want Chris’ eyes and expertise on.

What is the time commitment?

Get in. Get what you need. Get out. It's that simple. You can commit as much time as you need or as little time as you want - it's totally up to you. Join the calls when you need help. Get the help you need, and then get back to your primary business.

I want to make sure I’m in a place to make the most out of my Brand Lab experience. Is now the right time for me?

Brand Lab was created with the busy schedule of an entrepreneur in mind which means that whether you show up to three calls or twenty, you’re going to be able to make the most out of your experience.

The one thing we do ask is that you either have a team on hand for the implementation of your Brand Lab roadmap or are open to tapping into my network (I’m happy to make connections) so that the work is getting done.

My revenue this year isn’t what it once was and $18k feels like a lot right now. What should I do?

As I mentioned above, we are in a time when the market is changing - drastically and fast - and this may already be showing in your revenue. As someone who has run businesses throughout some pretty big market shifts, I can tell you that innovation is paramount during this time. What that looks like for you may or may not be this direction. Only you can decide that. Just know that we’ll be here when you’re ready.

I’m a creative, can I join Brand Lab?

While the offers we have at The Futur™ were created with creatives in mind, Brand Lab is for left-brained entrepreneurs, authors, thought-leaders, consultants, coaches, and media mavericks.

Who is Chris Do?

Chris Do is an Emmy award-winning designer, director, CEO and Chief Strategist of Blind and the founder of The Futur—an online education platform with the mission of teaching 1 billion people how to make a living doing what they love.

He currently serves as the chairman of the board for the SPJA, and as an advisor to Saleshood. He has also served as: advisory board member for AIGA/LA, Emmys Motion & Title Design Peer Group, Otis Board of Governors, Santa Monica College and Woodbury University.

He has taught Sequential design for over 15 years at ArtCenter College of Design as well as Otis College of Art and Design. Additionally, he has lectured all over the world including: AIGA National Design Conference, Birmingham Design Festival, Awwwards New York/San Francisco/Amsterdam, AIGA Miami, The Design Conference Brisbane, Creative South, Digital Design Days Milan/Geneva, Lu Xun Academy Fine Art Dalian, Motion Conference Santa Fe, VMA Design Conference, MIT Boston, Bend Design Conference, Graphika Manila, Create Philippines, Rise Up Summit Cairo, RGD Design Thinkers Toronto, California Institute of the Arts, LA Art Institute, Otis College of Design, UCLA, MGLA, Cal State Los Angeles/ Northridge, Post Production World, Adobe Video World and San Diego University.

His firm’s work has been recognized by national and international organizations such as: the Emmy’s, Clio, Effie Gold, Huffington Post,, Webbie, Communication Arts, London International Awards, One Show, British D&AD, AICP 20, Pictoplasma, How, 72 dpi, L.A. Weekly, Boards, Res 10, Type Director’s Club (20, 22, 23, 26), IDN, Addy Awards, BDA, Create, Stash (2, 12, 22, 24, 35, 43, 65), Creatie Augustus 2010, Motion Design, Asia Image, Brief, 365 AIGA Year In Design 26, Art Director’s Club, Motionographer, New York Festivals, B Brand, PPaper, I.D., and Print.

Mr. Do has given talks and conducted workshops on: Sales, Negotiations, Value Based Pricing, Mindset, Branding, Graphic & Motion Design, Social Media Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Business Management, and Client Relations.

Experience Your Next Level of Growth and Impact.

If you are generating at least $50k a month and want to amplify your reach and influence through personal branding, click below to apply for a spot inside Brand Lab.

Note: The Brand Lab investment is $18k for six months, with payment plans available.